Friday, October 01, 2010

Estonian COTD review: "Very diip."

An Estonian blogger just left a very nice five-star review for the most recent Children of the Drone compilation (no. 8):

review screenshot

I checked out the link, naturally, to discover that it was in Estonian. But Google Translation was able to produce an (amusing, as always) translation:

"Exeter `is a rule-based, and 10-20 members of a group (even though the composition does not originate only hazily Albionilt) and the closely related collectives (eg, A Tiny Window, Ail Fionn, Dongas The Tribe), the collections should ideally be legendary. Hypnotically jämmid, impressiivsed imaginative folk art, close to the natural aura, between the layers and layers of depth, psychedelic, and even unique. Intelligent diversity. And a powerful instrument park - which includes both the real instruments as artifacts - of course. Take time to enjoy them - a collection of a couple of hours, often reaching lengths. If I can be spotted occasionally in pop music from a sick situation, I'll just clean thoughts other than i-COTD. And the collective nimetet not limited to the sound of a half - I strongly recommend you visit their site and their rational, erudite and reasoned views of many phenomena and manifestations (including music businesses) in this world. Inquire about and you'll definitely smarter.

Unlike most vocal in this experiment kompilatsioonidest häälutustega-surreal, sünkjad Feedback kajaefektid-panels, and add a whole mystical nimbus. Here is a much more angular free-form improvisation, elektroakustilist crumbs, and spatial-cosmic psühhedeelset helikudet and concept. And indeed, over a long period of re-used electronic keyboards, and electronics sämplereid. If Kemialliset Ystävät `i leader Jan Anderzèn expressed hope that his music could be in any way without the space to be compatible, it represent, the 40-year-old Matthew Watkins` i's (more or less conventionally) kureeritava band sounds of the universe can be said with certainty. Seemingly simple, fully articulated, although in practice the music. On the one hand expresses a static (or minimalist), subordinate to the other hand, the progression of algorithms. And it will not create tension or friction in the negative moment. Transcendental meditations. Here is a kinship with both the Six organza Spiritualized `i` Of Admittance each, while a much deeper trip to the Orient. Very diip.


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