Thursday, June 08, 2006

more Glastonbury Crypt recordings

I've combined a few selections from a CD Kelfin gave me on my recent trip to Eire with some from a MiniDisc Jim sent (which arrived while I was away) - both derived from sessions in the Lady Chapel ("the Crypt") underneath the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey which were held between 2001 and 2003 (not everyone labels their MiniDiscs as meticulously as I!).

Stef - concertina, mandola, crwth
Jim - concertina
me - saz, percussion
David - voice, whistle, percussion
Kelfin - percussion
Frazer - ?
[...and possibly others]

Lady Chapel, Glastonbury Abbey
Lady Chapel, Glastonbury Abbey

Kelfin apparently has several more CDs of this stuff, and I know Stef has a bag of MiniDiscs. These will all find their way to me eventually, I suspect...

Listen Here


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