Friday, August 17, 2007

Droning again

My first COTD session in months - an outdoor one out at Vaughan's place, Sherwood Cottage. It felt a bit lacklustre and tentative at the time (the second set seemed a bit better), but then I've got a nasty cold and it was quite a chilly evening, so it was hard to get into it. Nice to see everyone again, though. And it's one of those rare ones where the recording sounds better than what I remember.

Richard - electric bass guitar
Henry - percussion
Vaughan - dan bau, acoustic guitar, vocals, etc.
Keith - electric guitar, mandola(?)
John - mandolin, bouzouki, low whistle, dan moi, vocals, etc.
me - balalaika, saz, percussion, readings, nose-blowing, coughing

My readings were alternating passages from The House at Pooh Corner and The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, the first two books to come to my attention when scanning Henry's bookshelf before leaving his house for the session. Only a tiny bit of this makes it onto the beginning of the last piece.

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