Monday, June 11, 2007

"Sounds of the Sarre Penn"

Having not yet found anyone to jam with in the Canterbury area, I decided to make use of the wonderfully musical sound of the nearby Sarre Penn brook. I've lived in a few different places along this valley, so it's quite deeply tied in with my personal 'psychogeography'. The birdsong in these woods (old hazel, chestnut and hornbeam coppice) is just wonderful - nightingales and nightjars as well as blackbirds, robins and many I'm not yet able to identify. So I started spending sunsets down at my favourite spot on the banks of the stream, recording a mixture of burbling watersounds, solo saz noodlings and birdsong.

I've edited about 80 minutes worth of this stuff and uploaded it:

the Sarre Penn, upstream in Church Wood
a couple of miles upstream, to the west, in Church Wood - photo Medway RSPB website

Listen Here

There's a spot about a mile west where nightingales sing every dusk. Recording something with them is definitely on the agenda.


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