Sunday, January 19, 2020

Lapis Lazuli at Elsewhere

Saturday 18th January 2020
Elsewhere, Margate

My first visit to this relatively new, hip venue/record shop/bar. Five bands for a fiver! Sander Cohen and Traps were very loud and aggressive, I wasn't really in the mood for that. Great stuff from Codex Serafini (Brighton ritualistic jam outfit with our mate Harry on drums), I didn't really get Inevitable Daydream — they were trying out some new semi-acoustic popsong-type stuff, rather than the usual heaviness... they ended on a good one though. Lapis weren't at their peak form, Neil a bit partied out from his birthday the night before. But even when they're not a their best, they're still pretty incredible. An amazing drum solo from Adam during "Falling Line"! I'm continually blown away by his drum skills...

I had a nice chat with Georgie from Lazy Pilgrims (now defunct, replaced by a project called Wishing Machine). She remembered me DJing in Nomadsland at Smugglers Festival last summer, specifically playing Jon Hassell. We ended up talking about Another Green World, Margaret Atwood and the theory of hyperobjects.


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