Wednesday, January 16, 2019

"open wood" and sing-around

Sunday 9th September 2018
secret woodland location near Canterbury

Liam Magill and Ellen Tasou were the original lineup for this event, but both eventually cancelled, resulting in a completely different kind of evening. I very nearly decided just to cancel it, but decided to run the first half as a kind of “open wood”. So we got some songs from Luke Dodson, Will Greenham, Stewart Hughes (old Celtic rebel songs with just bhodrán and voice, one with the melody of "Come Ye O'er Frae France") and Ellen (her voice wasn't in a state to last a full set), also a cosmic group overtoning jam led by Sam from the Cathedral Choir, a simulated rainstorm (involving everyone tapping fingers on palms in an unsynchronised 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 succession) led by William and, finally, I decided to get my new saz out and play a little bit (with Adam and Stewy on percussion — slightly self-conscious, I felt like this was going on for too long and wound it down, turns out after less than three minutes). The second half was kept as a surprise until the last minute, and involved Smugglers crew member Andy Foster leading everyone in singing rounds, shanties, etc. Really excellent fun, which so easily could have just not happened. Thanks everyone.


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