Saturday, October 29, 2016

Free Range Smugglers takeover

13th October 2016
Water Lane Cafe

This week organiser Sam Bailey handed over Free Range to Will Greenham of Smugglers Records who curated a night with Papylonian Babooshkies (Aidan from Arlet and Phil from Lapis Lazuli with Stewy from Cocos Lovers on percussion), Molly's Lips (Billy and Phil from Cocos) and Ladies of the Lake (Natasha and Nicola from Cocos plus their friend Jo singing a cappella, although on this occasion Phil took Jo's place as an honourary "Lady"). Sam started with a short solo piano set, including the usual prepared-piano-type improv (although I keep hearing little traces of Wyatt slippin in, is it from The End Of An Ear?), this time morphing into an improv based on the melody of Leonie Evans' "Distractions of the Mind":

To end, they all (joined by Sam on piano) played an unusual version of "Moonlit Sky", the song that's featured in almost every one of the many dozens of their sets I've seen over the years:


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